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Welcome to Environment & Peace Foundation

May I welcome you all for your substantial and voluntary contributions to accomplish the Aims and Objective of the ‘Environment & Peace Foundation’(EPF).

Vision $ Mission

Vision of ‘ENVIRONMENT & PEACE FOUNDATION (EPF)’ will be to save the environment. To save Mother Earth from all type of environmental pollution(Air, Land &Water).

To maintain ecological balance and inhibit climate change due to Global Warming through innovative scientific technical process; in order to sustain peace through the tenets of Vedic science for the happiness of humanity. i.e., “SarveBhavantuSukhina………………”

Environment & Peace Foundation

Aims and Objectives

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‘Soul meditational Flares Therapy

An innovative ‘Soul meditational Flares Therapy’ (‘SmFT’) forRemediation of Ophthalmological & Neurodegenerative Diseases by Dr.Virendra Goswami (Dr.VG)


‘Soul meditational Flares Therapy

An innovative ‘Soul meditational Flares Therapy’ (‘SmFT’) forRemediation of Ophthalmological & Neurodegenerative Diseases by Dr.Virendra Goswami (Dr.VG)


We’re Here to Support Them

Environment & Peace Foundation


    To save Mother Earth’s environment for the present and future generations. To award deserving persons for contribution to quality environment, peace,innovation, and invention, related to the welfare of humanity.

    To undertake research projects in the subject related to the Trust. To organize and attend National and International conferences concerning it's declared objectives.

    To appoint committees / councils / boards / set up educational & research-institutions. To give scholarship/fellowship/financial grants to the poor and deserving students, and also to scholars for research projects and higher studies.

VG: Mathematical Concept of ENVIRONMENT, PEACE & HAPPINESS

  • In my view, to make somebody HAPPY, the adoption of ‘3A+ve’(Attention, Affection & Appreciation) is must & to Sustain PEACE, the renunciation of ‘3A-ve’(Anxiety, Anguish &Anger) is needed as these are inversely proportional toPeace and so is the case with Entropy (Disorderliness.) i.e.

  • PEACE (P) is Inversely Proportional to (E) ENTROPY (Disorderliness) i. e < P = A.1/E >……… (1) Virendra Goswami (VG) Peace Eqn.
    @ PEACE (P) is Inversely Proportional to 3A-ve (Anxiety, Anguish & Anger) i.e.< P = A.1/ 3A-ve>…. (i) Eqn.
    @ HAPPINESS (H) is Directly Proportional to 3A+ve (Attention, Affection & Appreciation) i.e.< H=3A+ve >……(ii) Eqn.
    @ HAPPINESS (H) is Directly Proportional to PEACE i.e.< H= A.P >…… (2) Virendra Goswami (VG) Happiness Eqn. i.e., PEACE & HAPINESS are two sides of the HUMANITY-COIN In all the above four Equations, A = ACTION (‘KARMA’) is Constant. Next, PEACE is an equilateral Triangle of Music, Meditation & Spirituality.
    @ Clean Environment (Ec) augments Peace (P). i.e., (3) Virendra Goswami (VG)Environment- Peace Eqn. i.e.,PEACE & CLEAN ENVIRONMENT are two sides of the ‘HAPPINESS -COIN’.

Our Values

Lorem Ipsum nibh vel velit auctor aliqu. Aenean sollic tudin, lorem is simply man made many people recover we want to make sure that people can get food, education, treatment and accommodation.

Why is it important to support them

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour, or randomised words believable.

Start a fundraiser for yourself

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour, or randomised words believable.

Promoting the rights of the children

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour, or randomised words believable.

Raise Fund for Clean & Healthy Food

Lorem Ipsum nibh vel velit auctor aliqu. Aenean sollic tudin, lorem is simply man made many people recover we want to make sure that people can get food, education, treatment and accommodation for everyone who is living in poverty. them free text quis bibendum.

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